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Bone Graft

The foundation of a dental implant is bone. In order for a dental implant to be successful and durable, there must be sufficient bone mass in the jaw for implantation. If there is insufficient bone remaining, bone grafting is required in some cases prior to dental implant placement. Bone grafting can increase the height and width of the jaw bone where required so that there is sufficient bone for the implant to be placed and integrate. At Belmont Dental Care, we carry out the following types of bone graft:

  • Xenograft – The bone is taken from an animal to be used for bone grafts.

  • Alloplasts – This is a synthetic bone substitute, which is chemically similar to mimic human bone. Alloplasts also promote new natural bone formation.

Once full assessments have been carried out, Dr Kandian will discuss the findings and subsequent treatment options and procedures. Please note that not every patient will be suitable for a bone graft and this is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

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